There was a time, few years ago, when job security and salary were chief concerns but today people desire to pursue their passions. Career Mix is one phenomenon that has recently been on the raise. The technological evolution of the 21st century, led by breakthrough technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Social Media Networking, etc. paved way to a lot of difference in Career dynamics.
Job-seekers of the 20th century were more focused on one career path. A student pursuing software engineering would definitely become a software engineer. Possibilities of moving into a new career or a ‘mixed-career’ were very less. But this is not true in the 21st century, the age of millennial, where opportunities are more diverse and abundant.
Adaptable to New-Age Technology
The IT industry, which is considered to be the pioneer of modern jobs, is the hub of career-mix adventures. After the introduction of Big Data technologies in the market, there has been a huge shift in way careers are perceived in the industry. Software techies are now interested in becoming Data Scientists, Business Analysts and so on.
Variety of demands in the job market within a short period of time has led to what we call the ‘career-mix’. A Digital Marketing executive is no more just doing digital marketing. With some knowledge about Data Science Technologies and expertise, a Digital Marketing executive can now become a Digital Marketing Analyst. The transition from being a normal executive to an Analyst is made possible by a simple process: the adaptability to new-age technology. 361 DM offers you the opportunity to learn both Analytics and Digital Marketing at the same time. So, you can now become a Marketing Analyst in just 10 months.
Easy and Quick Financial Maturity
Career Mix is therefore a great way to consider if you are looking forward to easy and quick financial maturity. The market needs people who can mix with the latest changes in the market – by becoming adaptable and innovative. The job market is no longer for the ones that are rigid and rocky in terms of career. Can you mix? Can you evolve? Can you manage change? If yes, then you are on the right track.
Study while working
The vast amount of online education options has given a powerful boost to Career Mixing possibilities. For example, in 361 Degree Minds, we train working professionals who want to learn and venture into Big Data domain. The intrusion of Big Data usage in almost every industry has created a thirst among employees to learn and build their skills in handling big data.
Online Education is a great option if you are looking for a career mix. You can learn new-age technologies through us and make yourself more demanded in the marketplace.