Big Data has Transformed Recruiting Process Globally | 361DM

Posted on: 12-Apr-2018 | Created By: 361DM Big Data Research Team

Digital Transformation over the past few decades has changed the market for better causes. Things have just become much faster, easily accessible and Technological development seems much quicker. With the market expanding with the global population, the data accumulated is piling up in the hands of the government and the corporates.

Information and communication technologies have advanced most of our activities. Earlier in the mid-twentieth century, finding employment was a different procedure. A job-seeker had to travel to various cities, offices, run up and down several hundred staircases to seal a job. It's the era of Big Data and we’re just seconds away from any part of the world.

Recruiting has transformed. It has evolved as a digital platform allowing recruiters find employees from any part of the world within a few hours. What made this possible? Big Data analytics is shaping the world to be a better place with information generated, stored and later used with the right procedures. Every day economic and social activities create a massive amount of data. This ‘big data’ is transmitted, collected, aggregated and analyzed to provide insights of the changes and demands in the market. Big Data Analytics possess the potential to identify the appropriate workforce from around the globe. This can help in equally spreading the world’s talent pool.

The use of electronic devices and networks has been growing to a greater extent. Nowadays recruiters have begun hiring through web portals like Monster, Indeed, Google for Jobs, etc. These platforms have accumulated extensive data of people who look for jobs and also of those who prove them. Thus Big Data is enabling a transformation in all industries to hire and exchange workforce in real-time.

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